Statistical summary of Berlin
This in an automatically-generated summary of the properties of UA variables for Berlin based on comparison with data for all other UA cities. The summary includes initial descriptions of "single" and "paired" variables, describing only those for which statistical properties are notably different from average properties for all other cities. This is followed by a section summarising the best "target city" for Berlin , selected as the city with the best combined properties for all aspects for which Berlin is worse than average.
Single variables
Values for these single variables can be compared with values for all other UA cities in the compare page, or detailed patterns for Berlin viewed in the map page.
Non-transport variables:
The following aspects are notably bad in comparison to the average of all UA cities:
- Marginally worse bicycle infrastructure
Paired variables
As with single variables, values for these paired variables can be compared with values for all other UA cities in the compare page by clicking on "paired", or detailed patterns for Berlin viewed in the map page, also clicking on "paired".
The following aspects of paired variables are notably good in comparison to the average of all UA cities:
- Very pronounced strength of relationship between access to natural spaces and social index
- Highly significant strength of relationship between transport and accessibility to natural spaces
- Very pronounced strength of relationship between population density and bicycle infrastructure
- Very pronounced strength of relationship between population density and distances to nearest schools
- Extremely strong strength of relationship between distance to nearest school and bicycle infrastructure
- Pronounced strength of relationship between population density and parking index
- Notable strength of relationship between distance to nearest school and accessibility to natural spaces
While the following aspects are notably bad:
- Extremely strong and detrimental strength of relationship between access to natural spaces and parking index
- Highly significant and detrimental strength of relationship between distance to nearest school and social index
- Extremely strong and counterproductive strength of relationship between transport and distances to nearest schools
Target city for Berlin
The best target city is the city which is best in all the ways that Berlin is worse than average. The target city is identified as the city lying at the farthest distance from Berlin in the multi-dimensional space of all variables for which Berlin is worse than average.
Best target city is London
London is better than Berlin mostly because of improvements in single variables rather than relationships between variables .
Single variables
- The transport system in London is on average 25% better than in Berlin
- This is particularly influenced by absolute transport times which are 16% faster
Non-Transportation Variables:
- Bicycle infrastructure are 2.4% better than in Berlin.
- Access to natural spaces are 2.2% better than in Berlin.
Paired variables
The following aspects of paired variables are notably better in London:
- Considerably better strength of relationship between transport and distances to nearest schools
- Marginally better strength of relationship between transport and bicycle infrastructure
- Marginally better strength of relationship between bicycle infrastructure and accessibility to natural spaces
While the following aspects are notably worse:
- Very notably worse strength of relationship between access to natural spaces and parking index
- Considerably worse strength of relationship between distance to nearest school and social index
- Notably worse strength of relationship between bicycle infrastructure and parking index
- Marginally worse strength of relationship between population density and accessibility to natural spaces