Urban Analyst
Urban Analyst is a platform for interactive visualisation and comparison of cities, including transport systems, measures of accessibility, and socio-demographic conditions. There are four main ways to examine and compare cities:
How does it work?
Results for each city involve billions of routing calculations through street networks and public transport systems. These are calculated using Urban Analyst's own open-source software described in the documentation pages. These enormous numbers of calculations enable Urban Analyst to provide uniquely powerful insights into urban form and function.
Urban Analyst for your city
This main site is free and powered by open-source software. The data shown here are aggregated from highly detailed calculations at every street intersection in each city. Calculations include travel times from everywhere to everywhere using combinations of every conceivable mode of transport. The full-resolution detail of these data can be seen on the additional demonstration pages. City-specific Urban Analyst sites can be customized for any conceivable needs. To find out more, check out the demonstration pages, or email info@urbananalyst.city.
How can cities be added?
To request the addition of a particular city, email us at info@urbananalyst.city. Or open an issue on the GitHub repository of this site.